Sales and Acquisitions
Our clients need not be corporate investors or REITs to buy and sell commercial real estate. While we handle the large investment portfolios, we also manage the individual purchases and sales of company headquarters, family businesses and raw land. We bring experience from all sectors of business to our owners and our knowledge of various points of view gives you an advantage from site selection and acquisition to financial analysis and disposition.
Companies own real estate for multiple reasons including the opportunity to drive down capital costs and lower occupancy costs, implement high-cost improvements, locate in a particular area or simply invest in a growing market.
We ensure all core real estate assets are most effectively serving your business needs, resulting in greater efficiency, economy and enhancement of business operations, decrease in amount of real estate “consumed”, and reduction in real estate occupancy costs.
Key acquisition services include: build-to-suit structuring and financing, sale-leasebacks, asset monetization, lease restructuring and recapitalization and asset strategy and advisory services.
The foundation of our approach involves the development and understanding of key qualitative and quantitative components of the business— Effective and efficient disposition requires an experienced professional who understands how the market place works between a buyer and seller; landlord and tenant, or sublease tenant. The complexity of multi-site disposition only amplifies the need for tenured expertise and proven disposition methodology.
We also provide key integrated services that pair with our acquisition and disposition brokerage strategies, creating a holistic approach for your real estate goals and creating the most value for your investment.
Valuation & Advisory
Our local experts are on call to provide the skills and historical data together with recommendations based on present-day market conditions to value and position your current properties or ones you may wish to purchase. We know that when a client receives the approval to evaluate or dispose of an asset or an entire portfolio, time is money. That’s why we emphasize speed, efficiency and accuracy when delivering our recommendations.
Project Leasing
Our leasing philosophy is to address every assignment as though we were the owner and to view those assignments from a focused, strategic angle. Our goal is not just to fill the vacant space in a property, but rather to increase the value of the asset by assessing the owner’s needs and objectives and satisfying those goals.